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Hello Dear is a source of hope and encouragement. Here you will learn how to live your best life in the worst circumstances.

Let’s face it, life is hard and unpredictable. Together we can learn to confidently navigate the craziest of challenges with Christ at the forefront! 

You can overcome life’s obstacles! 

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Who is Hello Dear?


That’s me, Kelsey. As a former meth addict who found Jesus in a jail cell, I offer a unique perspective on living a life of freedom. My blog is my passion project. These real life stories can be helpful to anyone looking to find hope in darkness. I got sober at 20 years old, a year after my mother was murdered. I deeply understand trauma and loss. My heart bleeds with mercy and compassion for those struggling to process trauma. I have been navigating life without the direction of my Earthly father since losing my dad to Covid in 2021. I am now fully reliant on my Heavenly Father. 

Through Hello Dear, YOU too can find the strength to persevere. I share raw stories from my messy life in hopes to provide encouragement for my readers. You will learn that no matter what comes at you, it's going to be okay. Whether you are lost or lonely, Hello Dear is a place of comfort for all sinners in search of grace! Hello Dear serves as a vessel to process life & share hope with my readers!

Join me as I dissect what troubles me & share my hope. It gets messy around here. But Jesus helps me clean up! 

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I Pray For You

My Dear Friend,

I pray that you are blessed with the peace of Jesus Christ each day as you head out into the world. That His presence would be evident like the sun rising during a morning walk on the beach. I pray that you see Him and receive Him in your daily life. He is with you, even in those moments that you question everything, GOD IS THERE.

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Official HELLO DEAR Merchandise

Now you can wear fun messages of hope & faith.


Hello Dear MERCH is here! 

Click the link below to visit the MERCH shop! 

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